happy valentine!
hey wasup?!dah lame rasanye x tulis kat sini...>malas sebenarnye!
anyway hari ni 14 feb.so happy valentine's day! but, jgn salah anggap,x semestinya hari ni utk lovers je!love is universal kan! so kita boleh luahkan rasa sayang kita kat parents,family, friends and sape2 je yg kita nak...kat kucing pun boleh, it's not wrong, right?
emm.. aku x sambut ngan sape2 pun!lgpun xde bf lg..x minatla...nk study dulu la katakan!
just say happy valentine kat kwn2 je! alah bukan ape pun klu x sambut ngan bf. biasa je..
lgpun as a muslim kita xleh la nak sambut sgt.. just biase2 je, org kate gitu2! ahaks!
okla tu je kot...chow!
kata seorang poyo*klu takut dilambung tsunami, jgn berumah di tepi pantai!
hi...anyway happy valentine day to u.can i ask u something.how to become as a member in ur blogspot???ok
don forget to send back to me... bye2 adios..u
-ur friend-
My Special List
I have a list of folks I know...
all written in a book,
And every now and then..
I go and take a look
That is when I realize
these names... they are a part,
not of the book they're written in...
but taken from the heart.
For each Name stands for someone...
who has crossed my path sometime,
and in that meeting they have become...
the reason and the rhyme.
Although it sounds fantastic...
for me to make this claim,
I really am composed...
of each remembered name.
Although you're not aware...
of any special link,
just knowing you, has shaped my life...
more than you could think.
So please don't think my greeting...
as just a mere routine,
your name was not...
forgotten in between.
For when I send a greeting...
that is addressed to you,
it is because you're on the list...
of folks I'm indebted to.
So whether I have known you...
for many days or few,
in some ways you have a part...
in shaping things I do.
I am but a total...
of many folks I've met,
you are a friend I would prefer...
never to forget.
Thank you for being my friend!
oo u want 2 be a member?
actually i don't quite sure hehe
emm i think u need 2 give me ur email add.
and then i can send an invitation 4 u 2 be my blog's member.
anyway, thanks!
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