Wednesday, January 19, 2005

what's up!

can you believe i never have guy friends in school until i entered form 5(except in primary school).
it's because i went to an all girls school.but when i in form 2,my school started to accept boys.
but my classmates still all,i never spoke to boys except my father,my brother,my cousin, my teacher and cashier at supermarket.but i don't think it's a big problem at all.
then, when i'm in form 5 there are boys in my class though there're only 12 of them.
i find it interesting because now i do have boyfriends instead of just only girlfriends that i have before.
at first, i don't really like them or welcome them into my life because they're so arrogant and boastful and like to show off.also i miss my old all girls classmates.
we (girls) have problem at first(with the boys),to fit each other
because we are so different and we always argue with them.
maybe because we felt threaten by them because they're so intelligent and teachers like them.sometimes we cannot accept them at all.the funny thing is we never stop fighting even in front of the teachers.
we always cannot accept what they said or done and vise versa.
actually it's not the right thing to do but we cannot help it.
surprisingly,i got a crush on one of them.i also send him secret cards.
i give him a present on his birthday also.
but he still does'nt know me.that is the first time i gave present to boy.
i've never done it before, of course!ha..ha..ha..and i'm hoping he will not figure me out!
kata seorang poyo;kalau cintakan seseorang,kita kena doakan kebahagiaan dia...betul tak?

Friday, January 07, 2005


walaupun boring dok kat rumah, terpakse la terime hakikat tu jugak..tapi ok gak dok rumah>yela mane tak best hari2 asyik bgn lambat je!
dahtu hari2 asyik tgk drama cina je.dah mcm habit, kalau x tgk x sah.rase lain je...
masalahnyer dah drama tu best sgt!dah tu guys dlm drama tu semue handsome.jln cerita pun ok.dah jadi addicted plak!
anyway,nak cerita ape aaa?
pegi plkn pun lambat lagi.yg. peliknyer mcm mane la boleh sangkut dlm kump 3.aduh, susahla nanti.kalau dah masuk matriks ,how i'm gonna do?really made my head sick thinking about this..
mula2 rase happy gak dpt pegi plkn tu.but, x sangka lame lagi nak pegi...mmg betul2 susahkan org,baik dr mule lagi x dpt offer pegi tu!
tak tau lah nanti camne?bile dah kene pegi nanti...kalau x pegi kang masuk prison and maybe kene denda rm 3000 plak.abih tu die pegi buat mase org nak sambung study tu camne? don'y they even think about us who maybe gonna enter college or go to matrikulasi.
ntah la den tak tau nak buat lagu mana...?
*kate seorang poyo;selagi nyawa dikandung badan,
selagi jantung masih berdenyut,selagi kaki boleh melangkah dan selagi tgn boleh suap makanan...
selagi tu la hidup perlu diteruskan!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

this is reality!

emmm... actually even though i had many friends but i still feel lonely and i still try to find my real true friend who wil always be there for me...
but it's hard because you expect more from that person who actually can't.
i have a few very good friends and i really appreciate them.but sometime, i think that they cannot understand mhat i feel and what i think about.i really thought that they must hate me so much bacause even i'm around them i feel rejected and sometime i feel like guilty to say something that i wanted to say..
because i'm afraid that they will misunderstand me!
i'ts really hurt when nobody even your good friend cannot understand you.
sometime,when i'm with my friends i have nothing to say to them and i kept my huge problems myself without telling them.
i feel that my friends does not care for me but it's ok because now i'm really used to it.
i don't care if certain of my friends forget me because i know that maybe i cannot be good friend to them or i'm not interesting enough to be their friend.
but i relly hope that oneday i can find my true friend who will love me and care for me even after she's married and have kids.
*kate seorang poyo;benda yang paling kite nak,
benda tulah yang paling susah kite nak dapat.

Monday, January 03, 2005


hari ni budak2 semua dah kembali yg dah abis sekolah mcm aku dok lepak rumah jela...
kekadang rase boring gak. tapi rase best tu lagi banyak la..
yelah bgn suka ati>asal tak t'lepas solat subuh dah la
nak makan bebile je boleh
pegi tandas pun senang
pernah lps spm rancang nak kerja dgn makcik kat kedai dia.
tapi sbb pembantu dia dah cukup ramai so tak jadila..
lagipun mak tak menggalakkan aku kerja.
dia bagi kalau aku nak kerja ,tapi mcm tak bagi je...
yela makkan suke fikir mcm2. risaukan anaknya...
tapi aku dah daftar kelas bahasa inggeris.
tak lama lagi start la.